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Chauvet DJ Datastream 8 DMX Splitter

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The Data Stream 8 serves as a versatile DMX splitter, crafted to effectively distribute and enhance incoming DMX signals from dual inputs, directing them into 8 distinct outputs through a primary 3-position switch. Both inputs can be utilized concurrently, with the flexibility to route data to any desired output. Additionally, individual 2-position switches enable the selection of data from either the A or B input independently. To ensure safety, each output is optically isolated from others, safeguarding against potential shorts. Moreover, the unit can be securely fastened to trussing using a threaded insert.


  • Flexible DMX Splitter: Enables distribution of up to 8 outputs from dual inputs, offering versatility in signal management.
  • Simultaneous Input Usage: Allows both inputs to be utilized concurrently, with the flexibility to route signals to any output.
  • Master 3-Position Switch: Facilitates rapid switching of A or B input to all 8 outputs, enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Individual 2-Position Switches: Provides the option to send data from either the A or B input separately, allowing for customized signal routing.
  • Optically Isolated Outputs: Ensures each output is electrically isolated, offering protection in case of a short circuit.
  • Threaded Insert for Secure Attachment: Equipped with a threaded insert for safe and reliable mounting onto overhead truss systems.